Rights and Responsibilities

As a financial aid recipient, students have the following rights:

  1. Access to accurate and timely information on financial aid deadlines and procedures.
  2. Access to personal financial aid records and information as defined by the Buckley Amendment of 1974.
  3. The choice of accepting all or only part of the assistance offered.
  4. Access to a review of the award package should the student’s financial situation change. Included in this right is the opportunity to appeal.

Along with these rights, students have the following responsibilities:

  1. To provide accurate information to be used in the aid process. Misrepresenting information is a violation of the law and could result in indictment under the U.S. Criminal Code.
  2. To inform the Student Aid & Scholarships Office of any significant changes to a student’s financial situation (scholarships, gifts, earnings, funding, etc.) in excess of $200 that were not listed in the application or any other change in circumstances, such as a change in student status or marital status, that may influence the award. Failure to report these changes can result in federal legal action to recover aid funds.
  3. To understand the loan obligation. With a loan as part of the student’s package, future earnings are pledged to pay present school costs. Loan conditions should be read carefully; ask questions.
  4. To maintain satisfactory academic progress toward the completion of the degree/certificate program.
  5. To repay any financial aid received when students were not eligible.
  6. To continue receiving financial aid, students must reapply each academic year.