Student Conduct Committee—Review of Initial Decision

  1. A party who is aggrieved by the committee’s initial decision may obtain review of that decision by filing a notice of appeal with the president within twenty-one days after it was served on that party. If no timely notice of appeal is filed, the initial decision shall become the final decision.
  2. The notice of appeal must identify the specific findings of fact and/or conclusions of law in the initial decision that are challenged, and must contain an argument why the appeal should be granted.
  3. The president may ask for additional argument from the parties on the issues raised in the notice of appeal. The president’s review will ordinarily be limited to those issues, and shall be restricted to the committee hearing record. The president shall not engage in ex parte communication with any of the parties regarding the appeal.
  4. The president shall serve a written decision on review on all parties within forty-five days after receipt of the notice of appeal. The decision shall include appropriate findings and conclusions. Unless it remands the case to the committee for further proceedings or gives a right to request reconsideration, the president’s decision shall be the final college action in the matter and shall include notice of the right to seek judicial review under chapter 34.05 RCW.

[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. WSR 14-11-070, § 495C-121-180, filed 5/19/14, effective 6/19/14.]