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Campus Speakers
Student organizations officially recognized by the College may invite speakers to the campus to address their own membership and other interested students and staff, if suitable space is available and there is no interference with the regularly scheduled program of the College. Although properly allowed by the College, the appearance of such speakers on the campus implies neither approval nor disapproval of them or their viewpoints. In the case of speakers who are candidates for political office, equal opportunities shall be available to opposing candidates if desired by them. Speakers are subject to the normal considerations for law and order and to the specific limitations imposed by the state constitution, which prohibits religious worship, exercise, or instruction on state property.
In order to ensure an atmosphere of open exchange and to ensure that the educational objectives of the college are not obscured, the president or designee, in a case attended by strong emotional feeling, may prescribe conditions for the conduct of the meeting, such as requiring a designated member of the staff as moderator, or requiring permission for comments and questions from the floor. Likewise, the president or designee may encourage the appearance of one or more additional speakers at any meeting or at a subsequent meeting, so that other points of view may be expressed. The president or designee may designate representatives to recommend conditions such as time, manner, and place for the conduct of particular meetings.