Professional Development Programs / Corporate Education & Training

Individual or Employers interested in flexible training schedules may choose from a broad range of career or professional development training options. Courses/programs may be offered in a traditional classroom environment, fully online, or hybrid format. Programs vary in length and may meet various industry requirements for continuing education or professional development.

Some programs are composed of a course or series of courses mapped to an industry-recognized certification or license. Curriculum and materials in these programs may be specified by or be the proprietary material of industry associations that assist students to prepare for proctored certification examinations. Other programs include training in skills necessary for specific entry-level job opportunities.  

The menu of courses is subject to change as labor market demands change. The registration process and funding sources varies depending on whether the program is offered on a credit (degree), non-credit (non-degree) basis, or as employer-based training. Consult the relevant office for information about offerings.

  • For individualized training and development solutions offered on a non-degree basis, or if you are applying for training benefits through the Employment Security Dept (ESD), contact Career & Community Services at
  • For organizational training and development solutions, contact Corporate Education at
  • Information for all career, professional development, and corporate education & training can be found on the Clover Park website under Education and Training Programs of Study at