College Entry

Students are eligible for entry to full-time programs at Clover Park Technical College as follows:

In accordance with WAC 131-12-010, any applicant for admission to Clover Park Technical College shall be admitted when, as determined by the chief administrative office or their designee, such applicant:

  1. Is competent to profit from the curricular offerings of the college.
  2. Is 18 years of age or older; or
  3. Is a high school graduate (diploma or GED certificate); or
  4. Has applied for admission under the provisions of a student enrollment options program, such as Running Start, Elective High School, or other local enrollment option program.

Some programs have additional entry requirements, including mandatory advising or additional fees. This information may be found in the program description section of the college catalog or on the program page of the CPTC website.

Clover Park Technical College entry applications are available online at, through the Welcome Center in Building 17, the Advising & Counseling Office in Building 17, or at a Program Information Session. Program Information Sessions occur every second and fourth Wednesday of each month when classes are in session.

Visit for details.